Common Breastfeeding Challenges and How Your Pediatrician Can Help

If you’re struggling with breastfeeding challenges, Dr. Michael Taymor and Dr. Lama Rimawi in Palo Alto, CA, are here to help you overcome them and continue your nursing journey.

Breastfeeding Challenges and Overcoming Them With Your Pediatrician

 Nursing is one of the most natural and healthy things you can do for your baby. However, that doesn’t mean the process always comes naturally or easily. Many nursing mothers face challenges, some of which make them think nursing isn’t the answer.

Before giving up on breastfeeding, here are some of the most common challenges and how your pediatrician in Palo Alto, CA, can help:

  • Latching Difficulties 
    It’s not unusual for babies to struggle to latch on properly initially. And if you’re new to nursing, you might not know what to do. This can lead to soreness, your baby not getting enough milk, and frustration for both the mom and the baby. Your pediatric team can work with you and your baby to fix this issue and get your baby eating well in no time. 
  • Soreness 
    Several things can cause nipple soreness in addition to latching difficulties. Unfortunately, soreness can make you want to give up nursing, as it’s uncomfortable to continue. Your pediatrician can help determine the underlying reason for the soreness, provide recommendations and guidance on addressing it, and recommend creams and ointments to help. 
  • Your Baby Won’t Nurse 
    Sometimes, babies refuse to nurse, meaning they don’t get the necessary nutrients. Several things, including teething, mouth sores, infections, and more, could cause this strike. A pediatrician can perform an exam to determine why they refuse the breast and treat it immediately. 
  • Not Making Enough Milk 
    Most mothers worry they don’t produce the necessary milk for their babies. In most cases, this is not true, as the body produces naturally on the baby’s feeding schedule. Your pediatrician can check your baby’s growth to ensure they are getting enough, which can set your mind at ease. If, for some reason, enough milk isn’t being produced, they can help uncover the reason why and recommend a course of action. 

Contact Us Today

The breastfeeding challenges are just a few common ones pediatricians can help with. However, if you have any concerns or additional difficulties with breastfeeding, don’t hesitate to contact Dr. Taymor and Dr. Rimawi in Palo Alto, CA. Call (650) 321-7722 to speak to a team member or schedule an appointment today. 

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