The Role of Nutrition in Child Development

Nutrition is the key to your child’s growth and development. Proper nutrition floods your child’s body with the nutrients your child needs. Your pediatrician can help your child reach optimal growth and development through nutrition. Dr. Michael Taymor in Palo Alto, CA, provides a wide range of medical services for children, including nutritional counseling and guidance.

What You Need To Know About Childhood Nutrition

As your child grows, the organs, tissues, and other body structures are growing and developing too. That means your child needs more and more fuel to grow and develop normally. The fuel is in the form of calories and nutrients your child eats. So, how many calories should your child be consuming to stay healthy?

These are the guidelines for proper caloric intake, according to

  • 1000 calories, if your child is 2-3 years old
  • 1200-1400 calories, if your child is 4-8 years old
  • 1400-1600 calories for girls, and 1600-2000 calories for boys 9-13 years old
  • 1800 calories for girls, and 2000-2400 calories for boys 14-18 years old

Maintaining adequate caloric intake can help your child stay at a healthy weight. In addition to calories, you need to pay attention to the quality of foods your child is eating. You need to limit or eliminate:

  • Sugary foods like sodas and candy
  • High-fat foods like fast food
  • Empty calories that contain few nutrients, like chips and snacks

A healthy diet for your child should consist of:

  • Lean proteins like turkey, chicken, and fish
  • Fruits, including whole fruits, not fruit juices
  • Vegetables, including green leafy vegetables
  • Whole grains, including rice, whole wheat, and quinoa
  • Low-fat dairy products including cheese, milk, and yogurt

To view and print a handy Children’s Food Pyramid Coloring Page, please click here:

Want To Know More About Childhood Nutrition?

To learn more about childhood nutrition and the role it plays in proper child development, call Dr. Michael Taymor in Palo Alto, CA. You can reach him in the office by calling (650) 321-7722, so call today.

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9:30 AM - 12:30 PM 2:30 PM - 5:00 PM